Tuesday, October 27, 2009

it's not all clouds and cream cheese

so i had a pretty intense art theory lesson at school today. we started looking at the contemporary world and culture and art's role within it. its all pretty interesting stuff about globalisation and pop culture vs. high culture and the rapid change that is occurring all over the world.

the stuff that stuck with me however is all the bits we wrote down under 'values and beliefs'- about how the world has these increased expectations for their standard of living and how everyone's focus has moved from survival to possessing the 'good things' in life. then we got on to how technology gives you power and how the contemporary religion is money. this is where i get most concerned because its the truth. today's secular society puts their faith and hopes and dreams in money and success and possessions and what do they really expect to come from it?? do they think they can take it with them?? they can't even hold on to it while their still alive!! global financial crisis anyone?? and yet society continues to believe that money is worth putting their faith in. its not even just money too, its success and power and all this worldly crap that isn't gonna last and even if it does they won't!

its times like these that i'm most thankful that i have something to put real hope in.

Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God - Isaiah 40:30-31

And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us. - Romans 5:1

God is a real source of hope, hope that this isn't everything there is. i feel sorry for the people who think that this is all there is cause none of this is worth it. but then there's the people who think there is more, more for everyone! they think that heaven is just the next step. they choose to ignore the fact that hell exists too. they're all convinced that they're all going to heaven, that they're all good enough but no one is. we're all sinners. people really expect that they can get somewhere as perfect as heaven off their own effort and hard work? they have to be kidding. what do they think heaven is anyway?? a bunch of fluffy clouds akin to the philadelphia ad?? a bunch of angels with feathery wings serenading them with harps?? everyone is born into the sinful nature of man but luckily-

'God demonstrated his love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.' - Romans 5:8

we have a loving God who was willing to give up his only son for our sake. that's what gives me real hope. and that's the only thing worthy of real hope.

got any questions?? chuck em at me.



  1. (:

    hey i'm still praying for you, your friends.
    that God will work in you (:
    to bring them
    to him

  2. its great that you have hope.

    but how can you be sure that what you believe and hope in really exists??

    im happy for you but i know i could never do it...


  3. well i'd have to say that it is no way only christians who believe that jesus was a real person, muslims and a lot of other religions do too and there is also historical evidence of his life so the fact that he physically existed is pretty proven. the fact that he was God on earth?? well he did some pretty crazy stuff while he was here - the biggest being his death and resurrection. when jesus rose from the dead there were tonnes of people who saw him before he went back to heaven and those people were still around when the bible was written and they didn't disagree with what was written in it. i think its also important to just have a look around at the world, i mean seriously- all this just came into being when some atoms flew into each other?? where'd the atoms come from?? and as if people, who can cure diseases and build spaceships just managed to develop like that all by themselves. evolution doesn't even have all the links! they had to skip all the really important ones cause they've got no evidence. intelligent design is really the only completely plausible option.

    and all that is why i can be sure that what i believe and hope in really exists.

  4. huh?
    ross why did you ask that?
    not quite getting this...
